Actually...zaman berubah...umur berubah..erm..tang ni kalau la umur boleh berubah jadi makin muda ke...kan syok..tapi harapan jek la...kehidupan berubah..nafsu berubah..zaman sekolah dulu suka pakai jam swatch..skang ni suka pakai jam guess pulak(ni contoh nafsu ye adik2...)..kehidupan berubah...dulu student...hang out sampai tak hengat punya...pegi mana semuanya on memanjang...tapi skang dah bekerja..asal nak lepak jek...erm..aku kene balik awal la..esok kerja...boring la macam tu kan??? tapi nak wat camne..memang lumrah....and da most important thing is PEOPLE CHANGE.....
Tak kisah la perubahan tu terletak kat mana2 pon..but sometimes we have to think others feeling..bukan aku nak cakap kene ketepikan feeling sendiri..bukan...tapi try to consider others..i'm not saying dat i'm a perfect person...aku pon maybe ada buat benda yang sama cuma tak sedar jek...biasalah..benda2 yg macam ni memang tuan punya diri tak akan sedar pon kan..hehe..
Someone told me dat..kawan2 ni ada time senang je..time suka2..time lepak2..umur2 muda mcm aku ni memang kwn2 tgh ramai..but at 1 time, they r gone..aku tak percaya benda mcm tu..sbb bagi aku..kwn ade je at anywhere..anytime (for now la..) and time aku senang ke...susah ke aku dapat rasakan diorang ni ada..BUT aku dah mula dapat rasakan perubahan tu...maybe sekarang ni la kot luck 2 me!!!!!!

ni kwn2 time sekolah rendah...NEXT!!!

ni kawan2 time sekolah menengah pulak...NEXT!!!

ni fiza and manja(bertudung)..diorang ni roomate masa kitorang kat matrik melaka...

hahah...bapak lama gambar ni..nasib baik jet simpan lagi gambar2 zaman belajar kat zaman2 lepak Telok Cempedak (TC)..tiap2 malam mesti melepak kat TC..kasut nak converse..stokin warna warni..haha..mis u guys!!!!

Geng2 masa UNISEL...sekarang masing2 dah kerja kat tempat lain2...sedey....

Ni latest..geng bercuti..dan berpoya2... it possible 4 me to get another 'geng'??? hopefully increasing..not decreasing....hurrrmmmmm......
k la..luv uoollzzzz.....take care!!
1 comment:
yeah dats include me...
a very deep sorry bout dat night..
it is 100%ly my fault.. my short term memory fault which is i forgot those had booked a very earlier.. i din inform u cuz i thought it wud be on time when we finish it. but unfortunately not..
when im in difficulties, u r there, for me..all the time.. but not when u haf 1... so dis is the 2nd reason why i cant be ur very good fren u need all the time (as u mentioned) but trust me, i try hard to be 1.
the 3rd reason, myself, feeling very selfish.. which is not fair for u.. cuz ur such a very good fren. trust me i never met a very-caring-call me anytime u feel bored-being there when i feel bored which is im not always there when u need me-loving-sweet kind of fren.. ur such a... homaigod i dunno the best word to describe u but...
ur such a god fren to me...
forget me cuz im not good for u...
im selfish...
thousand-million-any-count-describe-many of feeling guilty inside my head, my mind n my body...
cuz im no good. to b anybody good fren..
im so sorry..
this is not enough i know, but, if i cud buy u a trumps tower, i would to show u how much i worth ur apology.. but unfortunately, i cant even buy a box of 14 cig.
but dats not important..
cuz i love u..
i dun care if u dont.. n if u super-hundred-million-trillion mad at me.. i dun care cuz i know its my fault... im sorry... i know its not enuff (eh apeda banyak sangat) the thing is, im sorry for my selfish-ness
:( u know who am i...
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